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  • What is Reiki?
    Reiki (pronounced “Ray-key”) is a simple Japanese energy-balancing method that is used by hundreds of thousands of people all over the world. It is most well known as a sort of hands-on treatment technique, and many people have regular Reiki treatments
  • Where is Reiki from?
    Reiki was developed by a man called Mikao Usui in the early 1900’s in Japan and people use Reiki for self-healing, for spiritual or self-development and to treat others. Reiki is not a religion
  • What can Reiki do for your horse?
    Anyone can benefit from a course of Reiki treatments, regardless of age or state of health, and beneficial changes can take place over a fairly short space of time. Below are some of the problems or areas that I and others have found Reiki to help with: Physical Injuries (tendons/ ligaments etc) Sweet Itch Laminitis Colic Box walking Competition stress (for horse and rider!) Performance Wind sucking Cribbing Owner horse relationship Loading problems Appetite loss Separation Anxiety
  • How many treatments would you advise?
    The effects of Reiki build up cumulatively, so it is advised to have a course of treatments to help produce long-term beneficial changes, emotionally and physically. It is generally recommended to have a course of treatments, between 4-6 at weekly intervals.
  • Reiki is not a substitute for veterinary care and treatment.
    If your equine has any symptoms of illness you should call your vet. Reiki is safe and will compliment any form of complementary or medical treatment. The law currently states that before your horse receives a Reiki treatment you must gain veterinary consent. Before a Reiki practitioner will not diagnose or recommend any form of treatment.
  • Advice Following a Reiki treatment
    After the treatment your horse will be processing the energy shared. Please allow 24 hours before carrying out intense exercise, so that your horse gets the most out of his/her treatment. Please allow your horse time to rest and to have some peace and quiet, this will help the energy do its work. Often an animal will drink more water in the few hours after a Reiki treatment. Please be aware of this and keep their water topped up. There are many ways in which animals release during and after a treatment. One of these is to urinate. Please make sure your pet has access to relieve himself. Animals are likely to experience some benefit after receiving one Reiki treatment, but to gain the greatest benefit from Reiki, it is advised to have a course of 4 - 6 treatments at weekly intervals, which allows the beneficial effects to build momentum and become more long lasting. Last but not least… remember, our animals see in pictures… if we are constantly picturing them behaving in a way that is unwanted, we are actually encouraging it to happen. Try to imagine your pet healthy, happy and well whenever you think of him – where thought goes, energy flows!
  • How to prepare your horse for a reiki session
    The horse can either be naked or with a rug whichever is comfortable for your horse. Please do not be overly concerned about grooming your horse prior to a reiki session as I tend to work with a hands off approach.
  • What areas do you cover?
    I cover the South Wales area from Swansea through to Chepstow and up as far as Brecon. Mileage is charged at 40 pence a mile after the 10 miles from my home in Caerphilly.I am willing to discuss sessions for clients who are out of area, please feel free to contact me to discuss your needs.
  • Useful Links
    The Reiki Association UK Reiki Federation Drumming For Stress Relief How Equine Reiki Works and the Benefits A Brief Explanation of Reiki
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